Vilnius Cathedral Bell Tower Opens Doors to Visitors

Vilnius Cathedral Bell Tower was closed the entire decade; during the last three years architectural research and restoration work was conducted. On the 16th of May the Vilnius Cathedral Bell Tower opens its doors to visitors!

The Bell Tower is the element of particular importance of Vilnius Cathedral as well as Lower and Upper Castle, one of the vertical dominants of the Old Town of Vilnius that became the symbol of the city. In the 13th century the tower was part of the defensive wall. Almost all ground floor of the old tower has survived to the present day. In the 16th century the defensive tower became the Bell Tower of the Cathedral; it acquired its present appearance in the beginning of the 19th century. The height of the Bell Tower is 52 m, with the cross – 57 meters.

The Bell Tower, one of the oldest and tallest towers of the Old Town, offers a beautiful panorama. Residents and guests of Vilnius will be able to see exposition of bells, the old clock of the city, explore the historic pictures of the reconstruction of Bell Tower and the Cathedral. Video surveillance cameras installed on the top floor of the Bell Tower will help the visitors to get acquainted with the city panorama and famous architectural sights.

Church Heritage Museum will organize tours, educational programs and events in the Bell Tower. In May-September, the Bell Tower will be open to visitors from 10 a.m. to 19 p.m. on weekdays and on Saturdays, in cold season – one hour shorter.

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